Monday, 27 December 2021

Comedy: Vilmar

By VeNgeR GrEenTag 

Am I honest???

Some weirdo
I mean fat piece of shit
I mean fat white guy masturbated  in front of women, big deal its not as traumatic as getting rejected  from the whole  evolution chain.

Sometines sucks
Life is like a diarrhea you sometime vomit sometimes other body fluids pop out... AND IT SUCKS BUT LIFE WORKS OUT LIKE "Move On"!

Okay, okay...
I will go easy with you
The Bible is bullshit just read the whole thing
Made up
Jesus doesn't exist
God is horrible father
Jesus has a horrible family.

Alright alright
Do we have gays?
People who fuck for pleasure?
People who have mutiple partners at once?
Do we have lesbians?
Alright, I think this is summing up everything.
Its easy to understand first we go with Jews, they don't believe in Jesus because  of the prophets. Certain prophets didn't happen so they refuse to believe in him,they reject him. Mormons no idea, Quran  we can use it to pull of pleasure and multiple partners but along the lines if we disect quran we can certainly say that you are sinful and you must die.
Catholicism no idea
Krishna yeah... you made it
Christians you made it
Have you ever downloaded from pirate site?
It means you steal stuff... this by itself is a sin.
Do you tell white lies?
This by itself means that you have bought for yourself a ticket for hell.

Lets reject belief in god
Its idiotic
Time waste
Its B.S.
Did you know God has killed people?
Jesus its not nice as it seems lets play fetch and catch will we, christians?

Also most believers look not fully evolved
Don't take it as compliment take it as the truth.

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