Saturday, 14 December 2024

Comedy: SoFar

 By VeNgeR GrEenTag

So women
Mouths are dick dungeons

I am crippled, I have free pass
When you arr crippled everythig is a race

Vunerable men are weak

Men are disposable

I hate people
So recently I found out that gays and trans
Are strong as men and emotional as women.
So this is scary
Last time we had a fight, I've got a stick
And use it for hitting.
Still my father should stop playing dresss up.

I once ate box with chocolates
Sadly my mom was dead
It was at funeral
Funeral party
Its as far as she was in cofffin because of diabetes
I was outside making wish foundation.

Isn't it strange a had a nightmare rencently I was dreaming I was miserable and I had a girlfriend.
I woke up and found myself next to prostitute
She had a big dick
Still not sure if I am gay

People say being gay and being out of the closet but my opinion is I am out of life.
I hope I die

Sometimes people have sayings like a kick a crippple for luck.
Still not sure why my dad is dead
He had difficulties in moving
But so far his buried and unmoveable.

Do you know that each baby which is born
Can be bashed against the wall and you can be charged for being criminal.
But if you kick a pregnat woman you just remove one more white trash.

Did you know that big black dick is as good
As having a african making him a slave.

Its a joke
But I Like china
Maninly because with it small hands they make my phones.
So genius
So marvelous

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Comedy: SoFar

  By VeNgeR GrEenTag So women Mouths are dick dungeons Suckers I am crippled, I have free pass When you arr crippled everythig is a race...