By VeNgeR GrEenTag
ReallyIts a total segment first ot was a segement just don't go further but lets put it in words reading books its time killer whst you run from at the end can kill you and this is a fact okay???
I hate typing
I hate words
I hate sentences
Sometimes when you type there are noises which keyboards make and its total horrible.
Buzz off
Fuck off
Shut up
Just rare words you can rate them why?
I just don't know. The fact goes is that you avoid time and you try to kill time and at the end time kills you. At the end most of us are just average joe which have one mission just to eat and die we also along the way create people like
Steve Jobs
The guy with the jobs
Bill Gates
The bill of rights the guy who opens the gates
And the list could continue. Did you know that your friends could kill you?
When shark attack they can kill you?
Your sister could kill you?
Your mom hates you and she can kill you?
People suck its not the whole point about who hates you, its just a ramble its like a scissors, rock and paper. Its a distraction and confusion the target is your brain.
"I obey"
"I obey"
"I shouls listen"
"I should open myself"
"I am open minded"
Wash and repeat
Wash and repeat
Most dating advice is worthless and waste time have you ever watched hours of dating advice ans you even downloaded programs for improving and still you get nowhere?
Your brain filled with crap?
Its like jelly beams. Comedy works with
Premise + tragedy + delivery + time + punchline
Sounda like a good tip for a free material. Just listen young folks playing with your cock its lie a britzol and sandals just waste of time. Spit on the little bastard, lazy fuck.
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